Ok here's a funny story for you. The other day I was expecting an order from SU. The new Sale-a-bration sets so I was waiting for the UPS guy to come. He always arrives while the girls are napping. So I hear him pull in to my drive way and I was really excited because I wanted to play with my new sets. Well the phone rings and it's my nephew asking some questions about a car that one of my friends is trying to sell, so I wasn't paying any attention to the ups guy (he just leaves my packages on my breezeway). Well I get off the phone and open the door and see this. (picture to the left). Holy cow! Now that's a great sight. I was expecting a order the following day with new stuff from the catalog and to my pleasant surprise it arrived a day early so needless to say I had a fun 2 hours while the girls napped.
So check out what came.
This is my new stuff from the catalog. Check it out, new designer paper, sticky cut letters that you can apply glitter to, the new glitter (of course), rub-on's, felt flowers, new stamp set and new ribbon.
Check out the new ribbon, I didn't even see it in the catalog until I was going through it again the other night. This is striped grosgrain ribbon, it comes in 4 colors. I just got the blue and red for now. Can't wait to try it out.

Here is a close up of the glitters. The smaller containers on the right are the fine glitter, just like our dazzling diamonds glitter and the glitter on the right is the chunky glitter. OOOH it looks like it's going to be so much fun to use.
And below is the Sale-a-bration sets. They are really fun. Remember for every $50.00 in products purchased you can receive one of these for FREE. If you host a workshop you will receive a free sale-a-bration set for every $300.00 in orders, with no limit as to how many you can earn for FREE. I am now booking workshops for February so contact me to reserve your workshop date.
Here is a close up of one of the Sale-a-bration sets, check this out. I was very surprised to see that they are all DIE CUT. Oh yeah, I put them together in matter of minutes. It makes sale-a-bration just that much better.

And here is a scrapbook page that I did last night and I have to say that I am very proud of this page, I'm very happy with how it came out. I used our kraft 12x12 card stock with purely pomegranate classic ink and our white craft ink. I used our coluzzle cutting system to make the circles in the middle of the page. I used one of the new sale-a-bration stamp sets called Friendship Blooms for the flowers and swirls on the page and then did the title with my big deal alphabet. You can't really see it in the picture but I took my signo white gel pen and made dots in the A and the O and around the I in the title and then carried the same dots around the pomegranate circles. I again used our white craft ink to smudge around the boarder of the scrapbook page and around the edges of the pictures to give it a softer look. This page was about the first day that Kayla tried to tie her shoes it was so cute and she was so proud of her self.
Well that's all for today I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek and the scrapbook page. Have a great day and happy stampin!