I'd say have a fantastic day, but it's over, but by the time some of you read this, it will be day again. So I guess I can say it.
The 3-d project that we are doing is a little bag and bag topper which would be perfect for halloween. What's inside the bag, you might ask. Well how about 2 adorable, peppermint pattys. I was going through my downlines blogs and came across this on Laura's blog and knew that this would be a simple, easy project for my workshop. Thanks Laura. I would show you where on Laura's blog I found it, but it doesn't seem to be there anymore, that's really weird. Sorry.
So this is what we will be doing at my workshop tonight, I can't wait to go and meet all of these new ladies. I love my job, it's so much fun! If you would like to book your own workshop with me, give me a call at 413-863-3166 or e-mail me at c_riddell@comcast.net.
Have a fantastic day and happy stampin!
Wow I can't believe this, I've been given an award by someone who checks out my blog. Stefanie over at Scrappedsilly honored me with this award. Thanks so much! She made my day!
Here are the rules:
The winner can put the logo on their blog
Link the person you received your award from
Nominate at least 7 other blogs
Put links of those blogs on yours
Leave a message on the blogs of the blogs you’ve nominated
Here are my nominees!
Learn to scrap and stamp with Lynn
Thanks again Stefanie.