Hi Everybody. As some of you know I L-O-V-E our new decor elements! While I was visiting one of my favorite blogs,
Stamp with Heather. She was showing how she used the Big Shot machine and our vinyl that Stampin UP sells. BRILLIANT, why didn't I think of that. So while the girls where napping yesterday I die cut out a bunch of snowflakes with our white vinyl. Popped them up on the wall and voila, seasonal decor elements that can be changed with each holiday or season. I can also tell you that they do come off easily when you want them to. I placed one somewhere that I didn't really care for, so peeled up one edge of the snowflake, slowly peeled off and no marks left on the walls. How cool is that! I'm going to add a few more to the left side of the mirror, just haven't gotten that far yet. I love how the white, just POPS on my red wall.

Today is mine and my husbands 5th wedding anniversary. I can't believe that we have been married for 5 years already. Wow where does the time go. We have been together for 10 years (coming up in July). He's an amazing husband and father. He's very supportive of me and all my ventures. He watches the girls every time I have a Stampin Up event (which is pretty frequently). We are perfect for each other. I guess I should probably go make him a card and tell him all this right? So guess what we are doing tonight? He wanted to take me out to a fancy dinner and take me away to Maine for the night (which if Hannah didn't have a broken collar bone, I would have said yes in a heart beat). So I told him no fancy dinner, just take me somewhere half way ok for dinner and take me to get some more organizational products for my craft room. He said "ok". LOVE THAT MAN!
So hopefully soon, my craft room will be up and running and maybe I can even have some of my events in there. Yippee!
Have a fantastic day everyone, and happy stampin!
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